The Cover – Madison Hawthorne

The phrase “Art is all around us” is true. It is no more apparent than in the cover. Design. Everything has a cover from movie boxes to board games. Companies spend millions of dollars each year paying both digital and traditional artists to create designs for them. They spend this money because the cover is the first thing you see and thus the first thing you judge when looking at and making an assessment about something. In comics this is no different.

In comics there are many ideas as to what makes a good cover but I find that the best covers reflect what happens inside of the comic. With a cover you can give an introduction to characters you will meet in the book as well as insight into the plot without having to read a thing. Often knowing where your comic is to be displayed is important in your design, especially the background. Generally light colored backgrounds are the norm because the are eye-catching. However, often if a cover designer knows his comic will be placed with a lot of light colored books they will use a dark background so as to stand out against that. In my own comic I try and take this approach as well. Take a look at some of the different designs for covers. Can you tell what might happen? And who the characters will be inside the book?

Madison Hawthorne King of Sweden Cover

Madison Hawthorne is a comic enthusiast and writer based in Pittsburgh, PA. Madison’s comic “King of Sweden” is available at

Freestone Exploration – Rusty Lofgren

By chance an old gated dirt road was opened for access along a particular unnamed freestone stream in west, northern, east, southern Pennsylvania, and a fellow fisherperson and I traveled this dirt road to see what we could see.

Rusty Lofgren Freestone 4

Nature stood around us and we enjoyed being a part of it. We saw a pile of bear scat the size of a seat cushion, birds a-plenty, and even spooked a doe in a field along this dirt road.

Way down around the corner, up and over the mountain, then back down again and into a ravine we stumbled upon a tributary to this particular unnamed freestone stream whose beauty was something to behold.

Rusty Lofgren Freestone 5

We stopped to enjoy the sights and sounds of this little mountain run, and only wondered the number of brook trout it held.

Our fly rods we kept in the car, and probably for the better as this tight run would require magnificent precision casts just to land a fly in the water and get a good drift.

Tempting, yes, but sometimes it is best to just look.

Rusty Lofgren Freestone 1


After this respite we headed back to the main stream and geared up for some freestone fishing.

Rusty Lofgren Freestone 2


Several casts were made and a couple of fish hooked, but it didn’t take long for me to notice something that prompted me to lay my rod down and take a looksee.

Rusty Lofgren Freestone 3

A stone wall was built by someone back in the day along the banks of this stream, and I could only wonder why. Probably for some sort of logging purposes, and thoughts of when the wall was created ran through my head. It may had been as old as the 1800s, and could have helped aid in transporting lumber down this creek. Or maybe it was older?

Perhaps it was built for military purposes for one of those old wars that were fought on the soils of this country. Hard to say, but it looked pretty interesting, and I was intrigued.

Eh, no fish to talk to for me on this trip. They were there, just “not in the mood to converse”.

Rusty Lofgren Freestone 6

No worries, though. It was fun to look around.

Rusty Lofgren is a photographer, videographer and writer in Pittsburgh, PA. Rusty’s portfolio and contact information are available at LeafBranch Studios and his new book Penna Fly Fishing Seasons is available on